Saturday, February 28, 2009

A personal view...

I find that there are people who disallow girls to talk to boys and for me, this is bad and not right. A girl talking to a boy is a normal and healthy thing. After all, we are created male and female. If a girl is not allowed to talk to a boy, then there should only be one gender in this world. Why am I so disturbed by this? Well, I know of certain girl schools that do not allow their students to talk to boys outside the school compund when they are waiting for their transport to arrive after dismissal. If they do, they'll be given a demerit. Come on, it's not like they are committing any crime. They are not kissing or hugging or doing anything that is wrong in public. It's merely a short conversation. And it's in public! Are we trying to tell these young girls that they can only talk to girls? No wonder, cases of lesbianism are on the rise and this type of relationship is against the order of nature. I find this very unhealthy. Girls and boys should be allowed to interact in a healthy manner and they should be taught what is right and what is wrong. Parents and teachers have the responsibilities to guide these young minds, help lead them to have healthy relationships with the opposite sex and not the other way round.

jennyiyan's recollections...

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