Monday, May 4, 2009

A selfless act...

I received a phone call from my sister an hour ago informing me that Iyan has hand foot and mouth disease. It broke my heart knowing that he has it as this has been one of my greatest fear for him ever since he started going to school. He told me yesterday that he had a sore throat but I thought little of it. Told myself it could just be a minor one. My sister took him to the doctor this afternoon and it's confirmed. Yet what I'm proud of is that despite his pain he still thinks for others, especially his popo. He told his popo to stay in the room and don't come out in case she gets infected by him. Then a few minutes ago he called me on the phone to especially inform me that there's a flu in Penang and he wanted me to take care of myself and make sure I did not get it. Such a selfless boy... I'm so proud of you, my beloved Iyan.

jennyiyan's recollections...

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